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Author name: hudsonacademyhk

Benefits of Online Tutoring

The Benefits of Online Tutoring: How it Can Help Improve Your Grades

In recent years, online tutoring has become increasingly popular among students of all ages. With the widespread use of the internet and the availability of online resources, more and more students are turning to online tutoring to help them improve their grades. Online tutor offers numerous benefits that traditional tutoring does not, and it has …

The Benefits of Online Tutoring: How it Can Help Improve Your Grades Read More »


説到IGCSE中文與本地中文學習的具體不同。例如:關於IGCSE中文古文部分,第一語言需要學習,第二語言是不需要學習的。那麽關於第一語言古文的學習也是比較基本的,沒有本地中文課本中的古詩和古文那麽深那麽長,也不會出現特別高深的詞句。有的同學中文基礎稍好,想從二語轉變成一語,通過一段時間的學習,掌握到一些古文也是可以的。             再比如閲讀文章方面,IGCSE中文閲讀的文章不會過於冗長,尤其在處理閱讀理解題目的時候,注重是否抓到了文章所講述的要點,能否清楚明白文章所敘述的事情,而非在語法和寫作手法上學習的十分高深。 無論是IGCSE中文一語還是二語,待學業完成,學生在實際生活和工作當中都很有用。Hudson Academy的中文老師在學習過程中,也會這樣引導學生。讓學生學到知識的同時,讓學生明白學習的意義所在,幫助引導學生破除對於學習中文的抵觸情緒。


有的家長會疑惑IGCSE中文學習跟本地學校的中文學習有什麽大的分別。又會擔心爲何中文學習程度看起來如此簡單,但是孩子還是不能將分數考得更好。 其實語言説起來簡單也簡單難也難,只要找對了點就事半功倍,不是特別複雜的事,但現在的考試越來越注重學生自身對於這門語言的實際掌握情況,這就是難點了。 IGCSE中文的學習範圍與本地學校中文學習很大不同,IGCSE中文學習更注重實際應用,而不是只有死記硬背就可以應付的。孩子分數不好,很多時候是對語言失去了信心,因爲一頭霧水的學習了很久又不得方法。這一點作爲Hudson Academy的中文教師可以很好的幫助學生和家長,既會讓學生規避填鴨式教育又可以學到應該學到的知識點。

7 Compelling Factors To Look For – Choose The Best IGCSE And IB Tutoring Center In Hong Kong

For all career-focused individuals, upscaling their academic qualifications is considered an integral part. IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and IB (International Baccalaureate) are two such programs that can help you strong holding your career. However, to crack these competitive exams with higher ranks, expert tuition is essential for better overall preparation. Thus, as …

7 Compelling Factors To Look For – Choose The Best IGCSE And IB Tutoring Center In Hong Kong Read More »

Effective Benefits Of Private Tutoring To Improve Your Child’s Academic Grades

Private tutoring has become popular among parents, who can’t give their kids enough time to complete their school tasks. Today, private tutoring is considered an essential part of education around the world. Parents and kids who have a competitive attitude and want to excel in their academics prefer private tuitions. A private home tutor can …

Effective Benefits Of Private Tutoring To Improve Your Child’s Academic Grades Read More »

An In-Depth Analysis: Why Private Tutoring Matters A Lot In Hong Kong

The number of students opting for private tutoring after school hours is increasing in several countries across the world. However, in Hong Kong, it is a big deal with more than 50% of the secondary students enrolled in private tutoring. There are even celebrity tutors whose faces you can spot on billboards across the nation! Plenty of …

An In-Depth Analysis: Why Private Tutoring Matters A Lot In Hong Kong Read More »

How Do IB Classes Prepare Students For University And Beyond?

The top achievers in the schools are always looking for high-level educational courses that will push them into the university and their careers. IB or International Baccalaureate is one such program that results in personal and academic development after its successful completion.  International Baccalaureate or IB is a two-year program that consists of six courses …

How Do IB Classes Prepare Students For University And Beyond? Read More »

Kevin Yeung: schools to prepare for suspension of face-to-face classes

Hong Kong schools should prepare for suspending face-to-face classes as the number of Covid-19 cases with unidentifiable sources rebounds, the Education minister said.  Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung Yun-hung told a radio program this morning that his bureau has asked schools to stay vigilant in exercising anti-epidemic measures, avoid extra classes and after-class activities, and suspend …

Kevin Yeung: schools to prepare for suspension of face-to-face classes Read More »

Tuition fees rise at one in five private and semi-private schools in Hong Kong

Only about one in five of Hong Kong’s international, private and semi-private schools will increase tuition fees this academic year amid an economic downturn made worse by Covid-19, but three are raising their rates by more than 10 per cent. The Education Bureau revealed on Thursday that 45 schools had applied for and received permission to …

Tuition fees rise at one in five private and semi-private schools in Hong Kong Read More »

倫敦市中心豪宅 入場費1200萬 英國升學需求大 倫敦一二區買樓便利上學

【明報專訊】英國政府早前表示,將會擴大BNO香港持有人於當地的居留權利,吸引了不少欲移民尋找後路的港人。事實上不論外媒還是地產代理都同樣指出,今年港人到英國買樓興趣明顯增加。英國本身也因新冠肺炎疫情積壓部分購買力獲釋放,以及印花稅寬免等因素,帶動當地樓價單月增幅創16年來新高,市場氣氛熾熱,看似走出脫歐公投後的陰霾。有代理透露,隨本港防疫限制措施鬆綁,前來英國物業展覽的人數急增,而今年1月時,旗下英國樓盤於香港的成交急增了3倍。 自英國脫歐公投起,由於巨大的不明朗政治因素籠罩,再加上今年新冠肺炎疫情衝擊,樓市氣氛不樂觀。不過,即使英國第二季面對史上最深的經濟衰退,Nationwide公布8月英國平均樓價卻急升達2%,單月升幅創16年來新高。主要原因之一,為當地政府由7月起寬免了上車人士購買50萬鎊以下物業的印花稅,限期到明年3月,加上疫情後不少人都期望換大單位,釋放出不少購買力。

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