Hudson Academy

Hudson Academy | Causeway Bay | Kowloon | Online
IB IGCSE Alevel SAT Tutorial Class

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IB IGCSE 補習課程一覽

IB/ IGCSE Course Tutorial Intro

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Hudson Academy: Your IB IGCSE Tutorial Specialist

All of our IB IGCSE tutorials are personalized tutorials, meaning that the student will benefit from a course program that is specific to him only. From assignments to lecture notes, all materials are tailored to track the student’s progress as much as possible. Hence our programs are suitable for both fast or slow learners. 

With close to 10 years of experience and 1000+ students tutored, we are a leading Hong Kong IB IGCSE specialist that helped more than 90% of our students improve in 3 months time. 

Services at a glance

Our IB IGCSE Tutorials

English and SSAT
Intro to the curriculum

Maths and Sciences
Intro to the curriculum

Intro to the curriculum

IB and MYP
Intro to the curriculum

All Personalized Tutorials

At Hudson Academy IB IGCSE tutorials are private, personalized, highly customized classes. In every one of our class, our experienced tutors tailor the course flow, assignments and test preparations according to the need of each student. Hence, at Hudson Academy, no two tutorials are the same. We are committed to providing reasonably priced tutorials and our tutorials are available in group and private formats. 

Our IB IGCSE Course Structure

At Hudson Academy Hong Kong we follow a single principle in all the IB IGCSE tutorials (both group and private tutorials) we do: Personalization. We believe that personalizing our tutorials will benefit the student the most. 

We believe that each student has a different background. Some students are slow learners and are struggling with their grades and require extra attention. Another student may be a star student in his class, so his school content will not satiate his needs. The same class material will not work for both types of students. 

Hence our experienced IB IGCSE tutors sought to understand the student as much as they can. In the free trial lesson, our tutors will ask specific questions and assign assessments to gauge their level of learning. Based on what we have learned in the free trial session, our tutors will develop a highly customized course plan and follow it. The course plan will dictate what type of assignments, past papers and writing materials the student should use, and which readings, math topics warrant the most attention from the tutor. 

In case the tutor does not fit, the student can request for a change of tutor at any point in time. We also provide tutorials via Zoom or at one of our locations. 

Our Typical Student Profile

We provide group and private tutoring programs for students enrolling in the IB, IGCSE, SAT, SSAT, A-Level and the HKDSE programs. We cover the following subjects. Our students are mostly grade 4-13 enrolling in leading international and local schools throughout Hong Kong, United States or the United Kingdom. 


量身定制適合學生個人需要的私人補習課程。小組課程增强學生與教師及其他同學之間的交流互動。網上課程免去路途煩惱,將教室帶到學生書桌前。私人、小組及網上補習皆由教學經驗豐富之教師任教,同時提供升學、留學補習服務。希信教育有多年IB,I/GCSE, AP , SAT 和 SSAT 英文, 文學, 數學, 理科, 科學, 物理, 化學及生物課程教學經驗。學生來自各個國際學校或直資學校4年級到13年級。希信教師會為學生制訂長遠學習目標, 以應對日後學習中遇到的困難,從測驗、考試至升讀英美名校。 如有短時間內希望提升成績的學生,聖誕節、復活節及暑假期間均有設置適合學生個人學習需要的密集課程。

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