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October 2020

Kevin Yeung: schools to prepare for suspension of face-to-face classes

Hong Kong schools should prepare for suspending face-to-face classes as the number of Covid-19 cases with unidentifiable sources rebounds, the Education minister said.  Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung Yun-hung told a radio program this morning that his bureau has asked schools to stay vigilant in exercising anti-epidemic measures, avoid extra classes and after-class activities, and suspend …

Kevin Yeung: schools to prepare for suspension of face-to-face classes Read More »

Tuition fees rise at one in five private and semi-private schools in Hong Kong

Only about one in five of Hong Kong’s international, private and semi-private schools will increase tuition fees this academic year amid an economic downturn made worse by Covid-19, but three are raising their rates by more than 10 per cent. The Education Bureau revealed on Thursday that 45 schools had applied for and received permission to …

Tuition fees rise at one in five private and semi-private schools in Hong Kong Read More »

倫敦市中心豪宅 入場費1200萬 英國升學需求大 倫敦一二區買樓便利上學

【明報專訊】英國政府早前表示,將會擴大BNO香港持有人於當地的居留權利,吸引了不少欲移民尋找後路的港人。事實上不論外媒還是地產代理都同樣指出,今年港人到英國買樓興趣明顯增加。英國本身也因新冠肺炎疫情積壓部分購買力獲釋放,以及印花稅寬免等因素,帶動當地樓價單月增幅創16年來新高,市場氣氛熾熱,看似走出脫歐公投後的陰霾。有代理透露,隨本港防疫限制措施鬆綁,前來英國物業展覽的人數急增,而今年1月時,旗下英國樓盤於香港的成交急增了3倍。 自英國脫歐公投起,由於巨大的不明朗政治因素籠罩,再加上今年新冠肺炎疫情衝擊,樓市氣氛不樂觀。不過,即使英國第二季面對史上最深的經濟衰退,Nationwide公布8月英國平均樓價卻急升達2%,單月升幅創16年來新高。主要原因之一,為當地政府由7月起寬免了上車人士購買50萬鎊以下物業的印花稅,限期到明年3月,加上疫情後不少人都期望換大單位,釋放出不少購買力。

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