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August 2020

Hong Kong schools seek review of students’ poorer-than-expected results as International Baccalaureate grading sparks dismay, global petition

Hong Kong’s biggest international school group has joined thousands of students worldwide in demanding that the International Baccalaureate explain poorer-than-expected grades based on schoolwork, after the Covid-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of written examinations. The English Schools Foundation (ESF) confirmed on Friday that some of its seven secondary schools had asked the Swiss-based organisation that runs the …

Hong Kong schools seek review of students’ poorer-than-expected results as International Baccalaureate grading sparks dismay, global petition Read More »

This single mom is paying 2 tutors to teach her kids this school year during COVID-19

Less than a month before schools re-open, parents with a lack of confidence in the province and school boards\’ approach are hiring local tutors in high volumes and asking for more of their time. Tiamma Lee is one of them — and she\’s avoiding schools altogether this September. She\’s homeschooling two of her four kids and is hiring two …

This single mom is paying 2 tutors to teach her kids this school year during COVID-19 Read More »

Hong Kong’s Closed Schools Risk a Lost Generation

Keeping schoolchildren home again this fall will come at a hefty price for families and economies around the world. In Hong Kong, authorities may be underestimating the cost. The government’s decisionto start the new academic year online after a resurgence in Covid-19 cases has generated little public discussion. That’s a surprise, given that the poorest will suffer disproportionately from another prolonged shutdown, in …

Hong Kong’s Closed Schools Risk a Lost Generation Read More »

A-levels: Anger over \’unfair\’ results this year

There is anger among schools, colleges and students, after nearly 40% of A-level grades awarded on Thursday were lower than teachers\’ predictions. In England, 36% of entries had a lower grade than teachers predicted and 3% were down two grades, in results after exams were cancelled by the pandemic. School and college leaders are calling …

A-levels: Anger over \’unfair\’ results this year Read More »


英國的學制從小學一年級(Year 1)開始算起,學生5/6歲入學。 小學讀 6 年,初中讀 3 年,然後高中讀兩年。 學生 16 歲中學畢業拿的是 GCSE,即普通中學教育文憑,類似於香港未轉三三四學制之前的中學會考。 按照英國法律,兒童在 16 歲之前都必須上學接受義務教育,在此年齡後可以選擇繼續讀 A-Level 預科或其他職業教育。

Take 3 Steps to Decide Whether to Retest in IB

DUE TO THE COVID-19 outbreak, end-of-year International Baccalaureate assessments have been canceled. But IB students can still expect to receive final grades. This year, in what the institution has called “a truly unprecedented situation,” the IB will rely on an algorithm to partially determine students’ final scores. However, if students disagree with their results, there is something they …

Take 3 Steps to Decide Whether to Retest in IB Read More »

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