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June 2020

high school, templin, uckermark

Hong Kong’s German Swiss International School takes legal action to remove controversial language rule for board members

A prestigious international school in Hong Kong has taken legal action in a bid to remove a “discriminatory” article in its regulations that requires all elected board directors to be fluent German speakers, a rule that has existed for more than 15 years. Another extensive hearing would take place this week, following one in May, …

Hong Kong’s German Swiss International School takes legal action to remove controversial language rule for board members Read More »

Hotchkiss student develops global education app

LAKEVILLE — Hotchkiss School sophomore Arhan Chhabra knows education is a tool everyone should have. After a trip to India in 2019, this technology-inspired 15-year-old created an online platform with a global reach to help give education to students with potential, but no resources. And after the coronavirus pandemic hit his home country of Hong …

Hotchkiss student develops global education app Read More »

安省中學排名出爐 香港國際學校脫穎而出

5月24日,加拿大菲沙研究所公布2020年安省中學成績排行榜。 菲沙研究所根據多個指標給學校打分,其中包括9年級學生的數學成績、英文成績、男女學生之間的成績差異、未達標的學生比例、學校發展趨勢。得分越高的學校,排名越高。 香港加拿大國際學校多年來第一次參加安省統一考試,就在安省739所中學中脫穎而出,以9.3分的成績在整個安省中學當中排第4。

私立及國際學校徵費多 教育局下學年起設規管




University of California to drop SAT and ACT as admission requirements

The University of California will drop the SAT and ACT tests as admission requirements through 2024 and eliminate them for California residents after that, a landmark decision by the prestigious university system. Critics of the standardized tests have long argued they disadvantage students of color and those from low-income families because test questions often contain …

University of California to drop SAT and ACT as admission requirements Read More »

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